Name: Lily Porsa
School/year: UIWSOM/4th year medical student
Educational Background: B.S. Psychology from East Central University (2014)
Medical Interests/goals: Psychiatry, mood/psychotic disorders, reproductive psychiatry
Hobbies/Fun Interests: Weightlifting, kayaking, reading, puzzles, yoga
“I’m a retired athlete. I played competitive volleyball for 10 years, including my time playing Division II collegiate volleyball at a small college in Ada, Oklahoma. The transition from being a student athlete to a full time medical student was tough, but it’s definitely do-able! The experiences I had playing a team sport were invaluable and I believe contributed to the qualities that helped me succeed throughout medical school.
I came into medical school with a very weak biology background, and I had little to no experience in healthcare, so the first few months of medical school were challenging. However, I found that the right resources, study skills, and a strong support system helped me tremendously! I hope to be a source of encouragement for students who might feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the thought of starting medical school, and to give them advice on how to overcome adversity.”