Name: Abakar Baraka
School/year: Long SOM/ 2nd year medical student
Educational Background: B.A. Medical Humanities from UTSA (2019)
Medical Interests/goals: General surgery, giving back to the international community
Hobbies/Fun Interests: Basketball, soccer, Netflix, sleeping
“I was born in Sudan but came to San Antonio with my family when I was ten, and I’ve been here since. I went to Health Careers High School and UTSA for undergrad.
I’ve always known that I wanted to be a doctors, so I got into med school through the JAMP Program.
Currently, I’m one of the student leaders at the San Antonio Refugee Clinic where we provide medical, dental, and mental care in an interprofessional enviornment.
As a first-gen student, I understand the difficulties in navigating college or professional school, so I’m very passionate about mentorship!”